Local Calling Guide

Rate centre information

Search by rate centre (exchange) name, region, area code, LATA. Enter full or partial name. Use official postal abbreviations for province/state/territory.

Peterborough, ON [Prefix detail]



V: 04770 H: 02431


Includes all or part of:

NPA 249:

353 357 387 494 504 510 516 680 681 688 872 900 901 981

NPA 683:

381 880 882

NPA 705:

201 243 270 304 312 313 400 403 486 536 559 616 740 741 742 743 745 748 749 750 755 760 761 768 772 775 808 813 868 872 874 875 876 917 926 927 930 931 933 957 977 991

See all [Local Prefixes]

Local calling TO: [Reverse direction]

OCNRate centrePlan typeCall typeMonthly limit (minutes)NoteEffective date
Apsley, ON     
Bailieboro, ON     
Bethany, ON     
Bridgenorth, ON     
Buckhorn, ON     
Burleigh Falls, ON     
Campbellford, ON     
Cavan, ON     
Hastings, ON     
Havelock, ON     
Keene, ON     
Lakefield, ON     
Millbrook, ON     
Nephton, ON     
Norwood, ON     
Omemee, ON     
Warkworth, ON     

*If OCN is blank, this indicates the default local calling area for all carriers. If OCN is not blank, then local calling is available for that OCN only.

Last updated: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 15:59:20 UTC

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