Local Calling Guide
XML query interface
This site offers XML output for certain queries. Use this instead of the web interface if you want to do automated lookups.
In general, output fields are the same as in the web interface. Since these queries may return large volumes of data you may wish to cache the results.
Other queries may become available in the future.
Description: Look up dial plan for specified NPA
URL: xmldialplan.php
- npa
- area code
Sample query: xmldialplan.php?npa=250
Description: Show region and overlay for specified NPA or region; show all NPAs if no parameters specified
URL: xmllistnpa.php
- npa
- area code
- region
- state/province/territory
Sample query: xmllistnpa.php?npa=905
Description: Look up prefixes/rate centres within the local calling area of the specified exch code
URL: xmllocalexch.php
- exch (required)
- prefix
- dir (optional)
- direction of local calling - 1=outbound (default), 2=inbound
- rconly
- 0=show NPA/NXX (default), 1=show rate centres only
Sample query: xmllocalexch.php?exch=015800
Description: Look up prefixes within the local calling area of the specified prefix
URL: xmllocalprefix.php
- npa (required)
- area code
- nxx (required)
- prefix
- dir (optional)
- direction of local calling - 1=outbound (default), 2=inbound
Sample query: xmllocalprefix.php?npa=250&nxx=423
Description: NPA/NXX (area code/prefix) search
URL: xmlprefix.php
- npa
- area code
- nxx
- prefix
- x
- block
- rc
- rate centre name
- region
- state/province/territory/Caribbean country code
- switch
- CLLI code
- lata
- LATA code for rate centre
- ocn
- OCN (operating company number) code
- blocks
- 1=show thousands-blocks, otherwise do not show
- pastdays
- past activity
- nextdays
- future activity
- udate
- changes since this date (YYYYMMDD)
Sample query: xmlprefix.php?npa=250&nxx=423
Description: Rate centre search
URL: xmlrc.php
- npa
- area code
- rc
- rate centre name
- region
- state/province/territory/Caribbean country code
- lata
- LATA code for rate centre
- lir
- LIR (local interconnection region) code
- ocn
- OCN (operating company number) code
- udate
- changes since this date (YYYYMMDD)
Sample query: xmlrc.php?npa=867
Description: Determine rate distance between two rate centres and whether this is a local call
URL: xmlrcdist.php
- npa1 (required)
- area code
- nxx1 (required)
- prefix
- npa2 (required)
- area code
- nxx2 (required)
- prefix
Sample query: xmlrcdist.php?npa1=416&nxx1=423&npa2=905&nxx2=778
Last updated: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 15:59:20 UTC
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