Local Calling Guide

Rate centre information

Search by rate centre (exchange) name, region, area code, LATA. Enter full or partial name. Use official postal abbreviations for province/state/territory.

Shreveport, LA [Prefix detail]



V: 08272 H: 03495


Includes all or part of:

NPA 318:

200 203 205 207 208 210 212 213 216 218 219 220 221 222 226 227 230 236 241 250 272 286 294 300 313 317 320 344 347 349 364 383 393 399 400 401 402 404 408 415 422 423 424 425 426 429 453 455 456 458 459 464 465 469 470 505 507 510 517 518 522 524 525 529 532 540 549 550 553 560 562 564 572 573 580 584 585 588 603 606 617 621 626 629 630 631 632 635 636 638 642 655 656 658 666 670 671 673 674 675 676 677 678 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 693 698 701 703 716 725 734 735 741 742 746 747 751 752 754 759 761 762 771 773 779 780 795 797 798 799 800 813 820 828 833 834 840 841 848 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 868 869 888 895 900 901 908 918 921 934 944 946 963 990

See all [Local Prefixes]

Local calling TO: [Reverse direction]

OCNRate centrePlan typeCall typeMonthly limit (minutes)NoteEffective date
Belcher, LA     
Benton, LA     
Blanchard, LA     
Coushatta, LA     
Doyline, LA     
Gilliam, LA     
Grand Cane, LA     
Greenwood, LA     
Haughton, LA     
Hosston, LA     
Ida, LA     
Keatchie, LA     
Keithville, LA     
Logansport, LA     
Mansfield, LA     
Minden, LA     
Mooringsport, LA     
Oil City, LA     
Plain Dealing, LA     
Rodessa, LA     
Vivian, LA     
Vivian, TX     

*If OCN is blank, this indicates the default local calling area for all carriers. If OCN is not blank, then local calling is available for that OCN only.

Last updated: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 15:59:20 UTC

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